The discussion with Michael Ramos continues as he picks up the story of his incredible journey as a musician in episode two of A Shot of Inspiration. Hear how, despite the fact that he had never wanted to be a band manager, Michael is now managing director of an entire label.

Join his and host Greg Stephens’ discussion on the hidden difficulties of “going on the road,” separated from family while watching others gather to hear his music, and how this supports Greg’s belief that artistry means loving deeply (and sometimes, painfully). Despite this, Michael shares his conviction for staying in the game and dealing with the moments where he wanted to turn back and quit it all.

Additionally, Michael talks about the musician that has inspired and uplifted him throughout his career, his semi-expensive but always fruitful trick for writer’s block, and his plans for the future in composition and recording, to retirement and beyond.

3 Key Takeaways

– Success will come to you if you just keep doing what you love. Pursue your passion.

– Understand and allow yourself to acknowledge that some of your success came from working harder than most people, even if there was luck involved.

– You may be tempted to quit and turn back from the journey of your passion, but you will be infinitely happier if you wait it out. Usually, it’s the SITUATION, not the career choice, that motivates you.